2024 Tivoli Arts Awards Fesitval

A Moment in Time

Submissions close on the 25th of September 2024
Late submissions accepted till the 2nd of October 2024 with additional charge.




By submitting your work to the Tivoli Arts Awards Festival, you become part of a movement that supports local artists, the Tivoli Drive In, and our koala conservation efforts.

The Arts Festival will take place between the 9th – 11th of October. The last day we will celebrate all the artists who took courage and submitted to the arts festival by hosting our inaugural Tivoli Arts Awards Showcase.

Tivoli Arts Awards Showcase – Fri 11th of October, 6:00pm.

The Tivoli Drive In is the only not-for-profit, independent drive-in theatre in Queensland. It hosts the LARGEST OUTDOOR SCREEN in all of Queensland and boasts crowds of up to 7000 people.

Our Arts Festival is FREE to enter once again! In the spirit of keeping the focus on artists and their creative work, it is very important to us that this event remains free. Each entrant has up to 3 entrees that are FREE and if you’re wanting to add more entries, there will be an additional fee of $15 per submission.

We will be accepting submissions up to Wed, 25th September, 11:59pm, 2024 to ensure we can consider your work, submit by this date.


The Tivoli Arts Awards Showcase will be on the Friday, 11th of October. Everyone is welcome to celebrate! 

Dress Code: Cocktail attire

Entry fee: $15 per person

For artists to receive their awards, it is strongly advised that they attend the showcase when the winners are announced. Artists are also given the unique opportunity to sell their artwork to potential buyers throughout the festival for a commission fee of 10%.


The theme of the 2024 Tivoli Arts Awards Festival is “A Moment in Time”. This can be interpreted in many different ways, and it is up to each individual artist to explore their own interpretation of “A Moment in Time” in their artwork.

All artists may explore this theme in any category they choose. Whether you are an author, painter, photographer, sculptor or filmmaker, we encourage you to share your unique perspective of this theme.

Submit work that challenges perspectives, sparks conversation, and stuns the senses. In short, we’re looking for artwork that captures the essence of a single, impactful moment.

Time here refers to a journey, not necessarily a physical one, but a significant experience or passage in life, history, or even imagination. We’re looking for artwork that captures a single, defining moment within that journey.

The possibilities are limitless, as we encourage a wide range of interpretations. Whether you delve into personal experiences, historical reimaginings, or completely fictional worlds, we want to see your unique creative vision of a transformative moment in time.


Rules and Guidelines:

FREE submissions to the Tivoli Arts Awards Festival


Submissions must follow the 2024 Tivoli Arts Festival guidelines below.


There are three tiers for applicants. 

  1. Junior (Primary School)

  2. Senior (Grade 7-12)

  3. Open’s Tier

Pieces submitted to the Junior or Senior category will also be part of the Open’s category for judging.


There are four award categories for entrants to submit their artwork in.

  1. Author
    The author category includes poetry (Limited to 1 page), screenwriting, short story and narrative. Each subcategory has guidelines to follow below.

  • Poetry – 1 page limit – font size 11

  • Screenwriting – 5 page limit – font size standard

  • Short Story – 5 page limit – font size standard

  • Narrative – 5 page limit – font size standard

  1. Photography & Visual Arts Print

  • Photography

  • Pictorials

  • Prints

  • Digital Artwork

  • Other Printed Media

  1. Visual Arts Traditional

  • Printmaking – wood / lino 

  • Paintings

  • Drawings

  • Sculptures

  • Textile Art

  • Mixed Media

  1. Short Film
    Films should be limited to 10 minutes in length, inclusive of introduction and credits.

Ideal resolution for film applicants is 2048 x 858 to suit our cinema screen. It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit to the correct size, other sizes will be stretched and will appear out of proportion. 



SUBMISSIONS CLOSE: 25th September 2024, 24:00
LATE DEADLINE 2nd October 2024, 24:00


The winners of the Arts Festival will be separated into tiers with awards being offered to the first prize winners of each category. Each winner will receive awards related to the tier on which they entered, with exception to the Tivoli’s choice award.


All winners will be presented on the 11th of October at the Tivoli Arts Awards – the very last day of the Arts Festival. Winners must be present or have someone accept their prize on behalf of yourself on the night.


$25 prize, Trophy, 4 free entries (valid for 12 months) to Tivoli Drive In & a Certificate of Achievement of category.


$100 prize, Trophy, 1 free entry (valid for 12 months) to Tivoli Drive In & a Certificate of Achievement of category.


$500 cash prize, Trophy, 1 free entry to Tivoli Drive In (valid for 12 months) & a Certificate of Achievement of category.

Short Films

The Tivoli Arts Festival gives all filmmakers the opportunity to enjoy and watch their short film on the big screen. They will also be played back to back after/dyring the Arts Awards Showcase. The winners of the short film categories will be selected to play during our “Saturday night drive-ins”

Tivoli’s Choice
Tivoli’s choice will be decided leading up to the night and be judged by the staff here at the Tivoli Drive In Theatre.


  • Up to 3 FREE submissions.

  • All categories must relate to the theme of “A Moment in Time.”

  • Must be your own original created work, and the sole property of the applicant.

  • Entries are limited to South East Queensland only.

  • Entries must not have won any previous Tivoli Arts Awards.

  • You must have any subject’s consent involved in your artwork to enter the Tivoli Arts Awards.

  • Artwork created by artificial intelligence is prohibited.

  • The Judging Panel’s selection of finalists will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

  • If you are a winner of the Tivoli Arts Awards, you agree to make yourself and your awarded artwork available for the purposes of receiving your reward and exhibition related events, promotion and publicity at times and dates in places (including online and virtually, as required) reasonably requested by Tivoli Drive In.


  • Written entries must be submitted in pdf format.

  • The use of AI is strictly prohibited.

  • Entries will be run through an AI detection tool before admission to the festival.

  • Entries found using AI may face exclusion from the festival.


  • Filming entries must share a link to either Vimeo or YouTube.

  • Ideal resolution for film applicants is 2048 x 858 to suit our cinema screen.

  • Video file is limited to 10 minutes total.


  • Sculptures must be less than 180cm (height) by 160cm (width).

  • Paintings must be less than 180cm (height) by 220cm (width).

  • All art must be able to be moved by a maximum of two people.

  • The Judging Panel will select the winners using the image or link provided with the online submission.


  • Photography entries that feature a subject must have the consent of the subject.

  • Artwork created by AI is strictly prohibited.

  • Digital artwork created that resembles AI, will need to have its native file provided for review, or face exclusion from the festival.


Entries are free for the first 3 submissions, which can be in a single category, or spread across multiple categories. More than 3 entries can be submitted, however that incur a fee of $15 per extra submission. For bulk submissions for entire classrooms or other scenarios, please contact us for assistance.


Artists are encouraged to display or sell their artwork at the Arts Festival exhibition. While exhibiting your artwork is encouraged, it is not a requirement for entry.

Artwork has to be submitted as an entry to the Tivoli Arts Festival to be exhibited at the showcase event.

Artists are requested to come during the hours of 8:30am – 5:00pm Friday, 27th of September to set up their artwork. Late enquiries will need to contact the Tivoli Drive In and damaged entries will not be accepted.

A commission of 10% will be retained on all artwork sold during the 9th – 11th of October during our annual Tivoli Drive In – Arts Awards Festival.

Artwork needs to be suitable for all ages.

If you wish to take part in the art exhibition it needs to be an original or exact copy of the original when submitting.

If artwork does not fulfil size requirements please contact us first before submitting.

You are responsible for the transportation of your artwork to the exhibition and the setup of your artwork at your stall. Please ensure that you have all necessary materials to set up your artwork, such as a pedestal for a sculpture or string and hangers for a painting. We do not accept any responsibility for the provision or setup of these materials.

The Promoter will exercise all reasonable care in the handling of artworks after delivery and during the event, but will not be responsible for any loss, theft or damage of the same whilst in the custody of it, or its employees or agents. Entrants are advised to arrange appropriate insurance for their works.


Click the “Submit Now” button to access the entry form. After filling out your contact details, you can upload your artwork with a short description.

If you are submitting an entry for the visual arts, take a photo of your painting, sculpture or drawing and upload the photo using the entry form. 

If you are submitting a written piece, you can export the document as a pdf file, and upload the pdf file using the form.

For short films, please attach either a Vimeo or YouTube link of chosen material.


We may make reasonable changes to the manner in which the Awards are conducted. We will endeavour to keep you informed of any material changes. Guidelines are subject to change at any given moment without notice. We reserve the right to exclude any artwork of any category we deem inappropriate. We may also postpone or cancel the Festival if circumstances outside our control materially prevent us from conducting the Festival in the manner set out in these rules and guidelines.


Entries will be screened and reviewed to make sure they are family friendly. Entries that do not comply with the rules will be disqualified. After the screening process, entries will be sent anonymously to our respective judges.

All award winners will be announced on the awards night on Friday 11th October 2024. All entries in each tier are eligible for the opens award of that category. The exception being the following; the winning artwork of a junior or senior category is precluded from also winning the opens category.


Applicants wishing to exhibit their artwork at the event are requested to arrive for setup on Friday, 27th of September during the hours of 8:30am – 5:00pm.

There will be a private showing for applicants on the 11th of October, 6pm. Exhibition space is limited and will need approval by the Tivoli Arts Awards Committee.

The winners of the Tivoli ARTS FESTIVAL will be announced at our Arts Awards event on the 11th of October, 2024.


For further questions and enquiries please contact events@tivolidrivein.com